섹션 2 Javascript Fundamentals part 2 - Looping Backwards and Loops in Loops
/////////////////////////////////////// // Looping Backwards and Loops in Loops const jonas = [ 'Jonas', 'Schmedtmann', 2037 - 1991, 'teacher', ['Michael', 'Peter', 'Steven'], true ]; // 0, 1, ..., 4 // 4, 3, ..., 0 for (let i = jonas.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { console.log(i, jonas[i]); } for (let exercise = 1; exercise < 4; exercise++) { console.log(`-------- Starting exercise ${exercise}`); fo..
섹션 2 Javascript Fundamentals part 2 - Introduction to Objects
/////////////////////////////////////// // Introduction to Objects const jonasArray = [ 'Jonas', 'Schmedtmann', 2037 - 1991, 'teacher', ['Michael', 'Peter', 'Steven'] ]; const jonas = { firstName: 'Jonas', lastName: 'Schmedtmann', age: 2037 - 1991, job: 'teacher', friends: ['Michael', 'Peter', 'Steven'] };